We’re all about building a vibrant, connected community where every Jasper resident feels supported.


Who We Are


Established in 2004, the Jasper Community Team Society (JCTS) is a registered, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting programs and events that encourage community connection and well-being. The JCTS works closely with the Municipality of Jasper’s Community Development Department.


Jasper is a vibrant, engaging, and resilient community where community members are both connected and supported.


JCTS programs and initiatives build community connections while raising funds to improve the wellbeing of Jasper residents. Our funds can be accessed by Jasper community members who are experiencing barriers to their well-being and working with a Municipality of Jasper Community Outreach Services Worker. JCTS funds are used as a last resort, when other government or non-profit funding is unavailable to community members.


Co-Chair Erin Toop

Co-chair Jayde Melendez-Duke

Treasurer Nancy Robbins

Secretary Christina Richards

Director Kevin Russell

Director Chelsea McBride

Director Nadine McIsaac

Director Brooke Ereth

Ex-officio Lisa Riddell, Community Development Manager

Ex-officio Mayor Richard Ireland

Invited Ex-officio Kathleen Waxer

Contractors Heart.png


Jasper Community Team Society Administrator
Julie Des Becquets jctsjulie@gmail.com

Jasper Community Team Society Bookkeeper
Susan Derbowka jaspercommunityteamsociety@gmail.com

Santa’s Anonymous Program Coordinator
Julie Des Becquets jctsjulie@gmail.com

Santa’s Anonymous Event Coordinator
Dana Degenstein santasanonymousjasperab@gmail.com

Writing Specialist for Fund Development

Julie Des Becquets

Our Approach

We support the work of the Jasper Community Team (JCT) and Municipality of Jasper-Community Development using a multifaceted, step-by step approach:

Step 1: Community Conversations

Every month, Jasper Community Team members get together to share information, identify priorities and find solutions to community trends affecting all age groups.

> Learn more about the Jasper Community Team

Step 2: Support and Fund Community Programs

Using the Jasper Community Team’s insights, the Jasper Community Team Society will apply for grant funding that supports priorities identified in Community Conversations.

Step 3: Administer Community Programs

With the help of JCTS, the Municipality of Jasper’s Community Development Department administers programs and events that support Jasper residents of all ages.

> Learn more about Municipality of Jasper–Community Development 

Our Partners


Municipality of Jasper

Community Development Department is made of several different pillars, all designated to support community members in Jasper. Learn more about the services and programs through their website.


Jasper Community Team

The Team is comprised of community members, special interest groups, businesses and service organizations. They come together to identify what’s going on in the community.


“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

— Coretta Scott King